Submission Guidelines

Only full papers will be accepted to be published in the conference proceedings, both accepted full papers and abstracts will be invited to give the oral/post presentation at the conference site.
Any submission must not have been, or will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another publication before the review notification date of this conference. Conference organizers are responsible for the technical quality of paper on the basis of reviews obtained. It is sole responsibility of authors if their paper detects plagiarism even in later stages of quality check. No registration fee will be refunded in any case if your paper is excluded from proceedings by the Publisher.
The conference’s official language is English. All papers must be written in English and must be formatted in PDF according to the following instructions.

Submission Method

Please choose one way to submit your contributions.
Open conf submission system:
To get the submission guideline, please click.
E-mail Submission: [email protected]


A. Template for Conference Proceedings (Full Length Papers Only)
Authors are invited to submit technical papers on their research relevant to the conference theme. Accepted papers will be published in Proceedings, which will be submitted to be indexed by EI compendex, scopus....
Please prepare your paper according to the following template:
Full Paper Template

B. Template for Abstract Proceeding (Abstracts Only)
For those who are only interested in attendance and making an oral or poster presentation
Abstracts should be submitted in .DOC format according to the template below:
Abstract Template
Please note that the abstracts submitted for attendance will not be published in any journals. The Conference Abstract Proceedings is for communication purpose only.

C. Template for Abstract Proceeding (Posters Only)
1. Suggested Poster with size of 841mm width x 1189mm height.
2. All display material should be prepared in advance. The head of the poster shall include: TITLE OF PRESENTATION, NAME OF AUTHOR (s), AFFILIATION.
3. The poster should be easily readable from a distance of ~2 m. Use heavy lettering of at least 18-point or larger. Figures, tables, and photographs should also be easily readable from the same distance. Preferably, the poster should be divided into the following sections:
Overview Summary/Introduction/Method/Results/Conclusions. It is advisable to leave details and explanations for face-to-face discussions. The text of all poster displays must be prepared in English; their presentation should also be in English. Authors are kindly requested to stand in front of their posters for discussion with interested participants during the relevant poster session, as indicated in the Conference Programme. Poster numbers will be placed by the LOC on the poster board before the poster sessions according to the numbering in the Conference Programme.
4. Material to stick the posters to the poster boards will be provided by the LOC. The poster presenters are kindly requested to remove the poster from the poster board at the end of the poster session.
Poster Template