2023 The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water and Environment
June 18-19, 2023 | Hong Kong, China
Online and In-person
All peer-reviewed manuscripts accepted by ICSDWE2023 will be published in Springer Series Environmental Science and Engineering [ISSN: 1863-5520]. Then submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.
Email:[email protected]
or through OpenConf:
Download the Template here:
Full Paper Template
Submission Deadline: Jun. 12, 2023
Notification Date: Jun 16, 2023
Registration Deadline: June 22, 2023
Conference Date: June 18-19, 2023
All the accepted paper by ICSDWE2022 have been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus. Welcome your submission to ICSDWE2023.
According to the new scientific concept in the field of water and environmental, the main purpose of this conference is to exchange some of the latest research findings and educational information on the water and environment in order to take important measures to protect water resources and the environment for future generations in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
ICSDWE is truly international. It's publications and presentations are authored by researchers from countries throughout the world. Presentations are of a high standard and the atmosphere is informal and relaxed. And, by accepting abstracts up until the last minute, a spontaneity is achieved which gives the conference its special character. Activities of ICSDWE are directed by the conference committee, hope ICSDWE can positively impact our world and provide a better future for all, including the improvement to the quality of life.
The most wonderful moment of the ICSDWE