2023.06.20 Good News: ICSDWE2023 has been successfully held in Hong Kong, China
Group Photo In-person
Group Photo Online
2023.03.16 Good News: Welcome Prof. Jidong Gu from Environmental Science and Engineering Research Group, Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (China) join ICSDWE2023 and he will deliver a Keynote Speech in the conference.
2023.02.25 Good News: Welcome Dr. Jian Zang from School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University (China) join ICSDWE2023 and he will deliver a Invited Speech in the conference.
2023.02.17 Good News: Welcome Assoc. Prof. Xiaosheng Qin from School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, (Singapore) join ICSDWE2023 and he will deliver a Keynote Speech in the conference.
2023.02.07 Good News: Welcome Prof. Peiyue Li from School of Water and Environment, Chang'an University (China) join ICSDWE2023 and he will deliver a Keynote Speech in the conference.
Good News: All the accepted paper by ICSDWE2022 have been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus. Welcome your submission to ICSDWE2023.

2022.03.18 Important News: Thank you for your participation.ICSDWE2022 Virtual Conference has been successfully held in ZOOM on March 17, 2022, all the certificate of participation and conference photos have been sent to all the participants via email. If you could not receive, please contact us at any time.