Keynote speeches
ICSDWE2023 kindly invites you to join in as keynote speaker, if you are interested in joining us, please send proposal with your CV to ( Sherry Chen ) [email protected]

Prof. Jidong Gu
Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (China)
Ji-Dong received his BSc degree from Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University (P.R. China), MSc degree from University of Alberta (Canada), and PhD degree from Virginia Tech (USA). He worked in the Microbial Ecology Laboratory of Harvard University between 1993 and 1998 and then joined The University of Hong Kong in 1999 as an assistant professor and then in 2004 promoted to associate professor. He takes the current position with Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology in the summer of 2020. He is the Editor-in-Chief for International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, and an Associate Editor for Ecotoxicology, and Journal of Polymers and the Environment.

Prof. Peiyue Li
Chang'an University (China)
Dr. Li is a full professor in hydrogeology and environmental science. He obtained his Ph.D. from Chang’an University, one of the national key universities in China. His research interests include hydrogeology, hydrogeochemistry and groundwater modeling. He has been members of IAH, IMWA and NGWA since 2014, and been Guest Editors and Associate Editors for several internationally recognized journals. He has been awarded over ten national and provincial awards such as the Li Siguang Award and Zhang Bosheng Award for recognizing his outstanding achievements in geoscience. He has also been certified as a new start in science and technology by the Shaanxi Department of Science. He has been leader for more than 20 research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MSTC), Ningxia Departments of Environmental Protection and Shaanxi Department of Science and Technology. He is now working on hydrogeochemical processes of wastewater irrigation, impacts of water-rock interactions on permeability of porous media, and hydrogeological variation of loess areas under urbanization.

Assoc. Prof. Xiaosheng Qin
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Dr. Xiaosheng Qin is currently an Associate Professor with School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Hunan University, China, and PhD degree from University of Regina, Canada. Dr. Qin mainly teaches Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests focus mainly on the topics of water resource systems modelling and urban environmental resources management. Dr. Qin has served as local panel of experts on climate modeling sponsored by BCA from 2011 to 2014 and worked (as PI or Co-PI) on many research projects supported by Singapore governmental agencies such as MND, BCA, MOE, JTC, NParks, EOS, and EWI. Dr. Qin is currently the Associate Editors for Journal of Environmental Informatics and Water Science and Technology, and serves (or served) as board members, and guest editors for 7 international journals. Dr. Qin was invited as reviewers for over 50 scientific journals and produced over 180 scientific publications (peer-reviewed journal & conference papers) with total citations at 3036 and H-index at 32 according to Web of Science record as of Feb 2023. Dr. Qin’s name was featured in World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2022 by Stanford University.

Prof. Agostinho Antunes
University of Porto (Portugal)
Prof. Agostinho Antunes is the Head of the Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics ( in the CIIMAR, Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, University of Porto, and he is a Professor at the Department of Biology at the University of Porto, Portugal. His major research interests include genomics and blue biotechnology of natural resources, from microorganisms to animals, and their environmental interactions, disease and health (one health).

Dr. Jian Zang
Chongqing University (China)
Jian Zang, the young teacher and research associate of SuDBE team in the School of Civil Engineering of Chongqing University. He got his PhD. from Newcastle University civil engineering, he is now a national foreign project leader, a member of the national "Huang Danian type" excellent teacher team, a young research scholar member of the International IWA Water Conservation Association, a special postdoctoral grant winner in Chongqing, and a teacher of the national low carbon Green Building International Joint Research Center, teacher of "Sustainable Building Environment Creation Teacher Team". He was the overall technical designer of the intelligent algorithm team of the General Institute of Civil Products of the 36th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation. He has published his research in the Journal of Environmental Management, Building and Environment, Water Research & Technology and other important international journals. He has edited one international monograph and published about 10 international papers in the area of sustainable and resilient environment.

Dr. Mujeeb Ahmed
Newcastle University (UK)
Speech Title: Security Challenges and Opportunities in Water CPS
Dr. Mujeeb Ahmed is a senior lecturer in the Secure and Resilient Systems Group at the School of Computing at Newcastle University. Prior to this, he served as a lecturer in cyber security at the Computer and Information Sciences Department at the University of Strathclyde. He completed a Ph.D. in Information Systems Technology and Design at the Singapore University of Technology and Design under the supervision of Professor Aditya Mathur, Professor Jianying Zhou, and Professor Martin Ochoa. During his Ph.D., he worked at SUTD's iTrust Labs and testbeds on the security of cyber-physical systems (CPS). Dr. Mujeeb Ahmed got the opportunity to work with Professor Raheem Beyah at Georgia Tech during his Ph.D. exchange program. He received a Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Seoul National University under the supervision of Professor Saewoong Bahk. At SNU, South Korea, his research was related to wireless communications. In particular, his MS thesis focused on cross-tier interference mitigation in femtocell networks.